Our History
Andrew’s Encounter
with God
Andrew Wommack was born again at eight years old. Growing up he believed that he could develop a relationship with the Lord through his own righteousness.
On March 23rd, 1968 everything changed. Andrew realized that he had fallen into self-righteousness, much like the Pharisees whom Jesus rebuked. Expecting to be rebuked as well, Andrew was surprised to feel God’s love flooding his heart instead. This encounter forever changed the way he saw his Heavenly Father.
Shortly after this experience he was drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam. Despite the difficult and dangerous environment, God used that time to ground Andrew in His Word. Andrew returned to America even closer with the Lord and more motivated to share God’s true nature with others.
Andrew and Jamie were married and began to lead Bible studies together. Over the next six years, they pastored three small churches.
Andrew pastored a church in Seagoville Texas from 1974-1975, and a church in Childress Texas from 1976-1977.
Radio Program
Using a friend’s closet to record, Andrew broadcast his first Gospel Truth radio program on a country and western station in Childress, Texas.
Andrew pastored a church in Pritchett, Colorado in January for six months. Starting in August, he and Jamie led six Bible studies every week in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Colorado. They then moved to Lamar Colorado, continued to travel, and produce The Gospel Truth Radio program.
Andrew Wommack Ministries was incorporated in July of 1978.
Ministry Grows
Andrew and Jamie moved their ministry to Manitou Springs, Colorado. A businessman gifted them a 3,000 square foot building. Their vision became even clearer: to teach the truth of the Gospel to the body of Christ throughout the United States and the world, emphasizing God’s unconditional love and the balance between grace and faith.
They had begun to fulfill that vision by traveling to speaking engagements, expanding radio broadcasts to over 100 stations, and distributing audio cassette tapes, which were provided at no cost to those who could not afford them.
Colorado Springs
The facility at Manitou Springs had become too small. A 14,600 square foot building was purchased on Robinson Street in Colorado Springs. This same year, God spoke to Andrew about starting a Bible College.
Colorado Bible College
God put 2 Timothy 2:2 on Andrew’s heart regarding starting a Bible College. In this verse Paul tells Timothy to take the things he learned and commit them to faithful men and women.
Andrew believed that academics alone wouldn’t be effective, and he was divinely shown that practical ministry training combined with Biblical teaching would prepare his students for their individual callings. After assembling a faculty of experienced ministers and teachers, Colorado Bible College opened its doors in September 1994. To watch the inside story of our first director and administrator, click here.
In 1998 God spoke to Andrew about launching into television, and then in 1999 told him “You’re just now starting your ministry.” In 2000, Andrew began teaching on television.
Today, Andrew’s television ministry has a potential reach of 5 billion people around the world.
Don’t Limit God
By 2002, the ministry doubled in size. Before long, Andrew needed a new building to accommodate a growing student body as well as an adequate call center and television studio.
In January the Lord spoke to Andrew through Psalm 78:41 that Andrew was limiting Him by his small thinking. Andrew repented and started enlarging his vision. In December of that same year, the ministry purchased a 110,000-square-foot facility that would support AWM and the Bible College for years.
In 2002 Colorado Bible College was renamed to Charis Bible College.

Gospel Truth Seminar
Andrew wanted to minister the Word and healing to people more directly. He also wanted to personally thank all those who had entered into partnership with him to help fulfill this vision. In 2003, the first three-day Gospel Truth Seminar was held in Kansas City at the Marriott Hotel. That was the beginning of the Gospel Truth Seminars and Conferences that are now held in major cities across America.
The Sanctuary
As the ministry continued to grow, so did the need for a new home for AWM and, particularly, Charis. In 2009, God miraculously supplied a 157-acre pristine piece of property in Woodland Park, Colorado. The property was purchased from Eddie and Carol Sturman, and was previously owned by Gilbert Jackson who was radically saved in 1992.
After Gilbert’s conversion, his only desire was that people come to know Jesus. Before he died, Gilbert envisioned a Christian education building on his 157-acre ranch, a structure with glass walls to show off the beauty of Pikes Peak for the students.
Watch the miraculous story about Gilbert Jackson and the Littlestar family below.
The Barn
After purchasing the property in 2009, now called “The Sanctuary”, construction began in 2012 on a facility for Charis called “The Barn.” The faculty, staff, and students moved in January 2014.
AWM Headquarters
Charis shared use of The Barn with AWM for a variety of functions and events, but with the two branches of the ministry being headquartered in two different cities, there were collaborative challenges.
In 2017, God miraculously provided a 336 acre property adjacent to The Sanctuary and a 60,000-square-foot building on that property that was also purchased from the Sturmans. The 21 million dollar property was purchased debt-free, including the 2 million dollar renovation that started in March of 2018. AWM officially moved in August of 2018.
The Auditorium
In September of 2018, during Andrew’s fiftieth year in ministry, The Auditorium—the second facility built on The Sanctuary property—opened its doors. The Auditorium houses Charis administration and hosts events.
Present Day
Fulfilling the Vision
Today it is easier than ever to engage with AWM and Charis through their websites, television networks, events, and social media platforms. Future expansion plans for Charis are extensive, including state-of-the-art college facilities to enhance the student experience. The ministry is growing like never before, continuing to fulfill the vision God gave Andrew of going as far and as deep with the Gospel as possible.

The Charis Vision
The Charis Woodland Park Campus is experiencing tremendous growth!
God is expanding the vision of Charis in establishing a top-tier college to meet the needs of all who are called to be a part of the Charis family.
Inside Story: Charis Student Housing
In this Inside Story, Andrew sits with the leadership team the Holy Spirit brought together to lead the development of the Charis Student Housing.